Both Lincoln and Whippoorwill wrapped up week 2 with their own Pioneer Meets. This long-standing tradition occurs around the Fourth of July and involves a color war between the red and blue teams.
(At Whippoorwill, the “Whips” are the blue team and the “Wills” are the red team. Campers chant “The Whips will whip the Wills!” and “The Wills will win!”)
Each camp does things a little differently, but in general, campers are assigned to participate in different events for their teams. At Whippoorwill, the events start near the big red barn. The barn has caught fire and needs all the campers’ help to put it out! The Whips and Wills each line up along the lane, stretching all the way down to the lake at Birdie Beach. Both teams then race in a bucket brigade to fill up buckets of water from the lake, pass them up each line, and fill up trash cans at the other end. The first team to fill up their trash can with water wins (and the barn is saved from burning down, of course!)
Some of the events at both camps include the bucket brigade (described above and pictured below), a fire building contest, log cabin building contest, cross-cut saw, tent pitch relay, obstacle course, pie eating contest and egg toss.
At Lincoln, a camper favorite event is tug of war. This one speaks for itself!
Lincoln’s Pioneer Meet finishes with the “Pony Express”, a relay race that starts at Whippoorwill and ends at the Lincoln lodge, often with a photo finish.
As you can see from the photos, Pioneer Meet is an event loved by campers and staff alike!