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See You Next Summer!

As the sun sets on another incredible summer at Camp Lincoln and Whippoorwill we reflect on the final week of camp—the routines are known, everyone is comfortable in their camp life and there’s lots to do, but a sense that it won’t last forever, too. 

Activities continued unabated, with many campers finishing projects, or ranks that they started working on earlier in the summer.  For some it was achieving their skipper in sailing, for others it was finally achieving the sweet satisfaction of all of their arrows hitting the archery target.  In either case, achievement feels good, and it’s recognized here!  

Trips continued right up until the last few days of the season and our campers took advantage of every minute. Whippoorwill campers went on extended hiking trips to Lake Colden and Gill Brook, as well as an extended canoeing trip to Long Pond.   Lincoln campers spent five days hiking in the Cold River region, and the Workgroup took their final extended canoe trip.  Several campers woke up early to watch the sunrise from Pinnacle, as well as a group who hiked up to watch the sunset, and the Whip Workgroup hiked Pinnacle after dark and watched the meteor shower from the summit.  This summer we saw three Whip campers finish their 46er, and two Whip and one Lincoln camper got their 50er; quite an accomplishment!



The final week of camp plays host to a long list of special events and celebrations.  Riders showed their skills at the horse show and sailors raced in the “Chief’s Cup” and “Farrington Cup.”  The pinewood derby determined which boy made the fastest car in the woodshop this summer, as well as the best designed.  It’s a really fun event to watch, with the whole camp oohing and aahing, cheering and groaning as each heat unfolds!  At Whippoorwill the older camper donned the attire and persona of the staff for a camper/counselor switch day, those dressed as sailing staff even getting to sing a rank song in the dining hall for four new “Crew” achievements.  Perhaps the most looked-forward-to event of the summer is the final banquet, when both lodges are transformed into some other setting, to match this year’s theme.  The campers come in costume, and we celebrate the summer with laughter and a wonderful feast.  This year, the Lincoln theme was “inception” were every possible banquet theme that was proposed this year came into existence, and at Whip the theme was the “roaring 20s” and fun was definitely had by all!  



We spent the final day of camp packing and helping to ready camp for winter:  scrubbing boats, taking in docks and organizing equipment all over camp.  When we were done, we capped the summer off with one final council fire.  We sang, commended each other for our accomplishments and good deeds and gave out awards at Lincoln and peanut presents at Whip.  It’s a mix of fun, sadness and excitement and a chance to reflect on a summer well-spent, before jumping on the buses the next morning, for the trip home.

As we head back home, we carry with us the spirit of camp—one of adventure, kindness, and community. We’re already counting down the days until we can return to these woods and waters, ready for another summer of growth and fun.

Thank you to all our campers, and staff for making this summer one for the books. Until next time, keep the camp spirit alive in everything you do, and we can’t wait to see you again next year!


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