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Week One at NCC

Hello from the beautiful North Country!

Kids arrived at Whippoorwill and Lincoln in high spirits despite some rain, which persisted for the next 24 hours but did nothing to dampen the mood at both camps! We’ve also had lots of TADs (Typical Adirondack Days) characterized by chilly mornings and gorgeous sunny afternoons. 



At Whippoorwill, director and camper-for-life Jen dusted off some retro-80’s games (remember Jacks?). Trivial Pursuit Jr. is a monster hit with the Birdies, and as the field dried out, nightly soccer, hula, and parachute activities caught on quickly. And did you know that Whip has a brand new Pickleball court, and a new morning activity to spread the enthusiasm? Campers made pinch pots in the craft house, sailors were excited to try out the new fleet of boats, and balloon archery was a huge hit. 



Pinnacle and Poko hikes, camp songs, s’mores, and more brought the Camp Whip Spirit out in force!

At Lincoln, Floor Hockey in the lodge helped campers blow off steam on the rainy days, and the first clear evening gave rise to a thrilling all-section evening soccer match. Hikes up Pinnacle, Bigelow, and Poko helped the guys stretch their pre-extended-trip muscles, and preparations were made for afternoon-evening AuSable River/Lake Champlain canoe cookouts. In the mornings, basketball, sailing, archery, tennis, swim instruction, horseback riding, ropes course, and many other activities fleshed out a robust program, and creativity bloomed in the afternoons with garden design, Spanish lessons, storytelling.




Both camps saw dozens of campers complete their basic swim tests, opening up new worlds of waterfront and trip opportunities, and health in both camps is excellent! We ended our week with one of our longest running traditions - Pioneer Meet (an all-camp event where the Red and Blue team compete against each other in events like fire building, tug-of-war, nail drive, cross-cut saw and the Pont Express)! 



Here’s to a successful first week and a terrific summer for all!

All best,

Jen and Matt


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